PORNOGRAFIA TO NIE MILOSC / PORN KILLS LOVE fightthenewdrug org get-the-facts Fight the New Drug is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness on the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and personal accounts. It's for anyone, whether you’re struggling with porn or not. Being an advocate of spreading truth is one of the best ways you can protect the next generation and stop the lies from spreading. So, for this Action we want you to go follow Fight the New Drug on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so that you can stay up to date on the latest research and information about the movement. From there you can become part of the solution by sharing useful information to your peers. Where would our world be today if we had been educated on the harmful effects of pornography? Would it be accepted in society today? Would the porn industry be as big as it is and making as much money as it does? Not a chance. W jakim swiecie zylibysmy dzis jesli bylibysmy swiadomi negatywnych efektow ogladania pornografii? Czy dalej bylaby ona akceptowana w naszym spoleczenstwie w takim stopniu w jakim jest dzis? Czy hadlowanie ludzmi i wykorzystywanie ich przez producentow pornografii dalej rozwijalo sie w najlepsze? Czy zarabialiby tak ogromne sumy pieniędzy?